In the bustling cities of Owerri, Enugu and Port Harcourt; an exciting opportunity awaits individuals with a skill for fixing...
The Rising Influence of On-Demand Beauty Technicians in Enugu through Paddim App In recent times, the beauty industry in Enugu...
Earning Money As A Paddim Service Provider Can Be A Lucrative Opportunity. Here's A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Get...
Are you a skilled professional offering services like barbering, beauty treatments, massages, laundry, computer repairs, phone repairs, TV repairs, generator...
Welcome to the vibrant city of Enugu, where history, culture, and progress converge. At Paddim, we are excited to take...
In recent years, Owerri the capital city of Imo state has witnessed a significant transformation in the way its residents...
Lets assume you want to send your bestie some bole or Ofe Owerri? Maybe you need to pick up your...
PaddimApp is smart way to earn more money without a physical office. Turn your spare time into earning time with #Paddim Service Provider...
Did you forget to bring important documents to your office? Do you need them urgently? Have no time to pick...
When life gets busier, we understand the importance of having everything you need right at your fingertips. There's no need...